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Georgian mountain cattle are a local cattle breed from Georgia (formerly the Republic of Georgia). Black black and white or red and white in colour they are a small breed adapted to harsh mountain conditions. The live weight of mature cows is 220–280 kg and that of bulls is 270–370 kg.

(Russian: Гpyзинcкий гopный cкoт, Gruzinskii gornyi skot) are a local cattle breed from Georgia (formerly the Republic of Georgia). Black, black and white or red and white in colour they are a small breed adapted to harsh mountain conditions.1
* Greek Shorthorn * Greyman cattle H * Haven Herefords * Hays Converter * Herens (cattle) * Holando-Argentino * Hungarian Grey cattle * Hybridmaster I * Iberian cattle * Icelandic cattle * Irish Moiled * Istoben cattle J * Jamaica Hope * Jarmelista cattle * Jersey cattle * Jutland cattle K * Kalmyk (cattle) * Kankrej cattle and Guzerat cattle * Kathiawadi (cattle) * Kerry cattle * Kostroma (cattle) L 2
are very small: the live weight of mature cows is 220-280 kg and that of bulls is 270-370 kg; the beef qualities are unsatisfactory.3
German Red Pied Glan Cattle Gloucester Greek Shorthorn Harton del Valle Harz Red mountain Cattle Herens Highland Cattle Hinterwald Cattle Holando-Argentino Hungarian Grey Irish Moiled 4
(Dairy/beef/draught) * German Red Pied (German Rotbunte) (Dairy/beef) * Glan cattle (Dairy/beef/draught) * Gloucester (Dairy/beef/draught) * Greek Shorthorn (Dairy/beef) * Groningen White-Headed or Groninger Blaarkop (Dairy/beef) * Hartón del Valle (Dairy/beef/draught) * Harz Red mountain cattle (Dairy/beef/draught) * Highland Cattle (Beef) * Hinterwald Cattle (Dairy/beef) * Holando-Argentino (Dairy/beef) * 5
Georgian mountain cattle (Гpyзинcкий гopный cкoт, Gruzinskii gornyi skot) are a local cattle breed from Georgia (formerly the Republic of Georgia).6
breed (organism) German Angus cattle breed (organism) German Black Pied Dairy cattle breed (organism) German Black Pied cattle breed (organism) German Brown cattle breed (organism) German Fleck-Vieh cattle breed (organism) German Red Pied cattle breed (organism) German Shorthorn cattle breed (organism) Ghana Sanga cattle breed (organism) Ghana Shorthorn cattle breed (organism) Gir cattle breed (organism) Girolando cattle breed (organism) Glan cattle breed (organism) Glan-Donnersberg cattle breed (organism) Gloucester cattle breed (organism) Gobra cattle breed (organism) Gole cattle breed (organism) Golpayegani cattle breed (organism) Goomsur cattle breed (organism) Gorbatov Red cattle breed (organism) Goryn cattle breed (organism) Grati cattle breed (organism) Grauvieh cattle breed (organism) Gray Alpine cattle breed (organism) Greater Caucasus cattle breed (organism) Greek Shorthorn cattle breed (organism) Greek Steppe cattle breed (organism) Groningen Whiteheaded cattle breed (organism) Guadiana Spotted cattle breed (organism) Guelma cattle breed (organism) Guernsey cattle breed (organism) Gujamavu cattle breed (organism) Gujarati cattle breed (organism) Guzerando cattle breed (organism) Guzerat cattle breed (organism) Halhin Gol cattle breed (organism) Hallikar cattle breed (organism) Hallingdal cattle breed (organism) 7

3 Ayrshire cattle 5 German Angus Cattle 4 Tyrolese Grey Cattle 5 German Black Pied Cattle 3 Nguni cattle 5 Gir cattle 4 Greyman Cattle 5 Glamorgan cattle 6 Harz Red mountain cattle 5 Glan Cattle 7 Southern Yellow cattle and Philippine Native cattle 5 Gloucester cattle 4 8
are a local cattle breed from Georgia (formerly the Republic of Georgia). Black, black and white or red and white in colour they are a small breed adapted to harsh mountain conditions.9
 breedSRTL-8BA08German Black Pied cattle breedSRTL-8BA09German Black Pied Dairy cattle breedSRTL-8BA0APechora cattle breedSRTL-8BA0BPee Wee cattle breedSRTL-8BA0CPeloponnesus cattle breedSRTL-8BA0DPester cattle breedSRTL-8BA0EPie Rouge de l10
breed (organism) Geotrygon chrysia (organism) Geotrygon montana (organism) Gerbillurus paeba (organism) Gerbillus syrticus (organism) German Angus cattle 11
breed (organism) Georychus capensis (organism) Geositta antarctica (organism) Geositta crassirostris (organism) Geositta crassirostris crassirostris (organism) Geositta crassirostris fortis 12
breed SRT L-8BA08 German Black Pied cattle breed SRT L-8BA09 German Black Pied Dairy cattle breed SRT L-8BA0A Pechora cattle breed SRT L-8BA0B Pee Wee cattle breed SRT L-8BA0C Peloponnesus cattle breed SRT L-8BA0D Pester cattle breed SRT L-8BA0E Pie Rouge de l’Est cattle breed SRT L-8BA0F Pisana cattle breed SRT L-8BA10 German Brown cattle breed SRT L-8BA11 German Shorthorn cattle breed SRT L-8BA12 Ghana Shorthorn cattle breed SRT L-8BA13 Glan-Donnersberg cattle breed SRT L-8BA14 Gole cattle breed SRT L-8BA15 Golpayegani cattle breed SRT L-8BA16 Gorbatov Red cattle breed SRT L-8BA17 Goryn cattle breed SRT L-8BA19 Greater Caucasus cattle breed SRT L-8BA1A Polish Black and White Lowland cattle breed SRT L-8BA1B Polish Simmental cattle breed SRT L-8BA1C Polled Jersey cattle breed SRT L-8BA1D Polled Lincoln Red cattle breed SRT L-8BA1E Polled Shorthorn (US) cattle breed SRT L-8BA1F Polled Simmental cattle breed SRT L-8BA20 Greek Shorthorn cattle breed SRT L-8BA21 Greek Steppe cattle breed SRT L-8BA22 Gray Alpine cattle breed SRT L-8BA23 Guadiana Spotted cattle breed SRT L-8BA24 Guelma cattle breed SRT L-8BA25 Harz Red cattle breed SRT L-8BA26 Hawaiian wild cattle breed SRT L-8BA27 Hereland cattle breed SRT L-8BA28 Holgus cattle breed SRT L-8BA29 Hrbinecky cattle breed SRT L-8BA2A Polled Sussex cattle breed SRT L-8BA2B Polled Welsh Black cattle breed SRT L-8BA2C Pontremolese cattle breed SRT L-8BA2D Preta cattle breed SRT L-8BA2E Puerto Rican Criollo cattle breed SRT L-8BA2F Pyrenean cattle breed SRT L-8BA30 Huertana cattle breed SRT 13